Monday, September 10, 2012

Taking Notes in Class With Tissues

It's 2:30 p.m., you just had PE class and now you're in Chemistry sweaty and exhausted. The last thing you want to do is be writing notes on molecular reactions. I distinctly remember one day in class not taking any notes because I knew my page would be drenched. I sat there stewing knowing I would have to borrow the notes from someone else and my homework for the night would be near impossible to do as I wouldn't be able to remember anything that was lectured on in class. Ugh. Writing is right up there with shaking hands. I didn't want to do it!

It wasn't until my senior year of high school I found my miracle. Tissues.

Place the tissue inside and under your hand.
You'll be able to glide along the page. Yes, glide!
This three pack cost me a buck and some change. 

You'll go through a couple tissues depending on how much you're writing. In the cooler months I would also use the sleeve of my sweatshirt or jacket.

Oh and to those who are starting college soon: the freedom to bring a laptop to most classes is exhilarating.

If you have other tricks for writing please share them in the comments section!


  1. Oh, man, I never tried that!
    That happens to me all the time. You can't write with pencil on the moist parts!!!

    Also, I tried playing guitar when I was younger, but my hands would literally rust the strings, so I feel you, girl. Love the blog! Keep writing and I will keep supplying you with anecdotes. :P

  2. Thanks! It's a dialogue we need to keep alive. You're brave for trying guitar. I always just looked longingly. Maybe we're meant to play drums, hah.

  3. The worst is exams. I used to get more worried about my sweaty hands than the actual content of the exam. I agree tissues is the way to go. Paper folded up into quaters also helped abit but the sweat tended to go through it:(
